Author Archives: Dr. Helga George

About Dr. Helga George

Dr. George has spent several years writing about higher education, healthcare and psychology. She transitioned to a career in writing after fulfilling her lifelong dream of performing research on plant defense chemicals. She earned a BS in Agriculture from Cornell University, an MS in Plant Pathology from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst, and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from Cornell University. Helga also conducted postdoctoral research at the University of California Santa Barbara where she obtained a USDA grant to fund her research.

Dyersburg Woman Receives 911 Medal of Honor

Tiffany DeSpain, a dispatcher for Dyersburg 911 was recently awarded the prestigious 911 Medal of Honor for her part in saving a life. She is only the second dispatcher to receive the award. DeSpain had been a dispatcher for almost …

San Diego Mayor Pledges to Revamp 911 Call Center Structure

According to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, the city’s Communication Center has Emergency Services Dispatchers on staff working all hours of the day, year round. On average these dispatchers answer 1,980 calls requesting law enforcement assistance every day, over …